Absolution Cosmetics - Le Set Peau Nette - Beauty Junkies
Absolution Cosmetics - Le Set Peau Nette - Beauty Junkies
Absolution Cosmetics - Le Set Peau Nette - Beauty Junkies
Absolution Cosmetics - Le Set Peau Nette - Beauty Junkies
Absolution Cosmetics - Le Set Peau Nette - Beauty Junkies
Absolution Cosmetics - Le Set Peau Nette - Beauty Junkies
Absolution Cosmetics - Le Set Peau Nette - Beauty Junkies
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Absolution Cosmetics - Le Set Peau Neate

Product description

Le Set Peau Nette is a collection of botanical care products specially developed for people with skin imperfections, blackheads and sensitive skin such as rosacea. It contains moisturizing, purifying and restorative products, packaged in upcycled material based on sugar cane residues, making it compostable and biodegradable.

Contents set

  • Pax oil
  • Le Baume Celeste
  • Le serum Anti-Soif
  • Le Masque Purete Detoxifiant
Usage tips

Before application, in the morning you can refresh your skin with La Brume Systémique or plain water, then apply a few drops of the Serum Anti-Soif for long-lasting hydration. Finish with 3 to 4 drops of PAX oil, massaging from your neck to the forehead and from the inside out.

In the evening, start by removing make-up and cleansing your skin with Le Baume Céleste, which can be easily rinsed off with water and leaves your skin clean and velvety soft. Afterwards, a few drops of PAX oil are sufficient for a good night's sleep. Once or twice a week you can enjoy deep care for 10 minutes with the Masque Pureté Détoxifiant to gently purify your skin.

  • Geschikt voor Sight
  • Aantal artikelen in verpakking 4
  • Geslacht Men , Women , Unisex
  • Land van oorsprong France
  • Verpakkingstaal English
  • Huidconditie Sensitive skin , Psoriasis , Rosacea , Eczema , Blemished skin
About the brand
  • Geschikt voor Sight
  • Aantal artikelen in verpakking 4
  • Geslacht MenWomenUnisex
  • Land van oorsprong France
  • Verpakkingstaal English
  • Huidconditie Sensitive skinPsoriasisRosaceaEczemaBlemished skin