
About our Mama's to be treatments
With our beauty treatments you can keep your skin in top condition, while you can relax in an attractive room with beautiful & soft music.

Moms (to be)s need to relax well

Chill Mom Massage

[45 min € 69.00 or 60 min € 89]

For this pregnancy-friendly version of our relaxing massage. We have a special massage bed with a recess for your stomach and breasts. We combine this wonderful massage with products that help expectant mothers relax.

A prenatal massage at Beauty Junkies is a tailor-made service that relieves pain, discomfort, tired muscles and joints and reduces swelling. You become wonderfully relaxed and de-stressed.

During pregnancy, certain muscles in your lower back become very tense to support your growing child. Then you really need a massage.

After this treatment, we are always told how wonderful it was to be able to lie on our stomach while pregnant.

Mama's Feet

[55 min € 56.00]

A mineral-rich foot bath, exfoliation and a massage of the lower legs and feet helps against poor blood circulation, fluid retention and other tiring effects of pregnancy. It's not called the 'motherhood marathon' for nothing.

Mom's Recovery

[60 min € 69.00]

Your baby has been born and you need some quality time for yourself. A restorative massage treatment helps your body recover, while you remember what it was like to be yourself again. Sometimes new mothers need a little mothering too! A perfect gift for new mothers.

Also fun for your little one Keekabuu
