Beauty Junkies Peeling Menu
Are you looking for a pleasant peeling? Then the treatments from our beauty junkies peeling menu are for you! We only work with peels that are 100% natural, such as vegetable (herb) peels.

Why a peeling?

A peeling carefully removes a thin layer of skin. With that, dead huicelles disappear and cell renewal is stimulated. This has a skin -rejuvenating effect; A new, younger and healthier skin that feels smoother. A peeling makes your skin smoother and refines the structure. Wrinkles, small scars and pigmentation spots are less visible.

Which peeling?

We are not proponents of excessive peeling or of violent peels with a low pH value. The peels from our peeling menu vary in strength: from mild to powerful. In consultation with you, we opt for a peeling that fully matches your skin condition. Your skin must also look healthy in the long term, so we will handle it carefully!

Extensive Peeling menu
We have an extensive peeling menu from which you can choose. Are you stuck? Then take Contact With OP OP then we will gladly take the possibilities with you!

Green Peel - Fresh Up [60 min € 98.50] 
A soft treatment, for more freshness and a healthy shine. Do you have an important meeting or a party? Then this treatment really makes you shine. The peeling is based on natural herbs. Also ideal for preventively use against skin aging and loss of elasticity. Even if this is not (yet) visible ...

Green Peel - Energy 
[60 min € 140]
A peeling based on herbs that stimulate cell renewal. It works as follows: the peeling activates your blood circulation, giving your skin an energy boost, resulting in cell renewal as a result. The effect? A beautiful skin tone (don't be afraid: your skin does not make it bright red) and a fresh look. We also often recommend this treatment with damaged skin, scars, hyperpigmentation and reducing pores. Not for your weekly care, but an intensive treatment for a few times a year.

Active Resurface 35 [35 min € 65.00]

This peeling promotes skin innovation and reduces and prevents pigment problems and signs of (premature) skin aging. Without the skin needing recovery time.

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