Our facial skin comes into contact with the elements of the weather every day, with makeup, perspiration, dust, dirt and everything that floats in the air. Careful cleaning and care is therefore an important basis for a radiant appearance. At Beauty Junkies we have various facial treatments that are aimed at care for, improve, protect your skin and bring out your natural beauty.

Three categories
At Beauty Junkies you can choose from three categories of skin care:

1. Our skin care facials are relaxing and give your skin a boost at the same time.

2. Our skin -enhancing facials go one step further: we use stress -reducing massage techniques and give you advice for lifestyle and nutrition. After the treatment you get a healthy smoothie from us and you can still enjoy a relaxation.

3. Our Healthy Aging Facials are for everyone who finds it important to pay extra attention to external care. The basis consists of innovative skin -rejuvenating massage techniques that strengthen the elasticity of your skin and the underlying muscle tissue. As Beauty Junkie Sevda calls it: "Gymnastics for your skin." With this, wrinkles fade, enclosure your facial contours and your skin will be lifted in a natural way. Our Healthy Aging Facials also tackle skin problems such as Acné or Rosacea.

Extensive skin analysis
Every Beauty Junkies facial starts with an extensive skin analysis. Based on that, we determine the desired treatment together with you. With the skin analysis we view your skin type and skin condition. Your skin type is recorded in your genes, but the condition of your skin is determined by your lifestyle. Nutrition, beating habits, stress, hormones, smoking, little or a lot of sunlight and outside air; It all influences. At Beauty Junkies we think it is important to put together a facial especially for you. You can choose from treatments from 40 minutes to 75 minutes.

No skin is the same. As said: your genes, the way you take care of your skin and your living conditions all influence the condition of your skin. Our treatments will therefore have a different result for everyone. Unfortunately we can't do miracles. What we can do? Treat your skin carefully with the most beautiful products. Advising yourself as well as possible about your outer and inner skin care. And above all: always strive for the best result!

Our treatments will therefore have a different result for everyone, unfortunately we cannot do any miracles! What we can and do?

Extensive Facials menu
We have an extensive facials menu from which you can choose. Are you stuck? Then take Contact With OP OP then we will gladly take the possibilities with you!

Skin care facials

Beauty Junkie Basic [40 min € 52]

This facial is aimed at recovery and bringing your skin back into balance. After treatment, your facial skin will feel soft and healthy and you will feel relaxed and charged

Beauty Junkie Good to Go [60 min € 71.50]
The Basic Facial is supplemented with a deep cleaning and a pressure point massage. With a radiant one glow are you Good to go! 

Beauty Junkie Signature [75 min € 88.50]
A nice extensive facial treatment with fine products, which are completely tailored to your skin condition. And you can choose: do you want a scalp, arm or foot massage during the mask?

A Facial of 75 minutes includes a choice of two of the following parts:
- epilation
- Paints eyebrows
- Paint eyelashes
- Waxing of the face
- Eye Rescue Mask

A 75 -minute facial will get an upgrade with a Touch Therapy (massage) of your choice:
- Stress Relief: Hands and Arms
- Stress relief scalp: head
- Reflex point: feet


Facial treatments

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