About our men treatments
With our beauty treatments you keep your skin in top condition, while you can relax in an atmospheric room with beautiful & soft music.

Our facial treatments are performed with the top brands Absolution, Dr. Murad and Dermalogica. Whatever you choose, your treatment is always adapted to your skin type and condition. To get the best out of your skin, and to really bring it forward, there is no work according to the "standard treatment" principle. After all, your skin is also not standard. It can even differ per day, month or season.

Extensive men's treatment menu
We have an extensive menu menu that you can choose from. Are you stuck? Then take Contact With OP OP then we will gladly take the possibilities with you!

Men Skin Fitness
[40 min € 50]
This is a male variant of the facials. This is made up of different relaxing steps with a deep -cleaning effect. In addition, powerful ingredients will ensure that your skin gets a big boost and a well -groomed appearance.

Men Age is just a number [60 min € 75]
Wrinkles give the face the character, but you prefer to see that with others. With yourself you prefer to postpone them as long as possible. With our anti-aging special for men we will work deeper on the skin with active ingredients. During the mask you get a relaxing neck, shoulder and scalp massage.

Manly cure [20 min € 22.50]
Masculine version of the manicure. So no paint, but cared for! Your cuticles are cared for and your nails are filed. Result is well -groomed and soft men's hands.

Feet for Men [45 min € 45.00]
Callus -free and well -kept feet for the men. Your feet are carefully cared for; Nails are filed and callus is removed.


Body Grooming for Men

Body grooming, or hair removal for men. Nowadays that is no longer a taboo or just something for athletes. A full bunch of hair is of course very nice to have ... unless that forest hair is on your chest or back. If you want to pay with disversely hair on your body, you can enjoy a hair -free, soft and smooth skin through waxing or waxing for up to four weeks. Stoppels and ingrown hairs are therefore a thing of the past!

Back Wax [€43,50]
Waxing of unwanted hair in men is no longer taboo or for athletes. Waxing are techniques where the hair is quickly and effectively removed and you can enjoy silky skin without unwanted hair growth for weeks.

Chest wax [€31,50]
After waxing the chest you can enjoy smooth skin without stubble. You will have silky skin for two to three weeks before your hair growth returns. The weaker you become hair follicles, the slower the hair will grow back. In addition, annoying irritations and stubble are a thing of the past.

Shoulders [€22,50]
Waxing the shoulders
Armpits [€22,50]
Gunged armpits are just a bit nicer when you wear a sleeveless shirt in the summer or in the gym. Additional benefit; It reduces unpleasant body odors.
Legs [€50,-]
Fanatical athletes can come to us for hair removal of their legs. In cycling, for example, her hairless legs now a must.
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